Medini Jyotisha

Characteristics of Rashis in Medini Jyotisha
No Rashi Typos of places/Indian
Countries qualities Regions Tamil Nadu

1 Mesha Mountains, jungles, mines Uk

etc. where we can expect Denmark. goat to frequent, also place Germany,
like defence depots, places Western that store precious jewelsland, etc. that signify need for Palestine,

Syira, Japan

protection, preciousness; natural qualities like stubbomness, hardiness
sturdiness, obedience,
anger, steadfastness etc.

2 Vrihaba Jungles, land inhabited by Iran, Russia, Mathura

elephants, agricultural Ireland, Hastinapura

regions, fertile land etc, Poland, Gujarat

natural qualities ake hard Switzerland, work, fertility determination, Netherland stubbornness, fool Holland

hardness calm, too angry if provoked

3.Mithuna Playgrounds, hills and
USA West Easter

mountains resorts, open of England, divisionstands, airports, Belgium, containing

communication Arena, departments, brothels, all Libya types of places of Canada

mountains, enjoyment, places of art and music, natural qualities like taste for pleasure.

debauchery, aesthtic sense, spreading
talkativeness etc

SE Division

4 Kataka Water and waterfronts, holy Scatand,

places, beautiful places, Holand,

rigated fields esp paddy Maurtius growing fisheries, sinks, New Zealand trenches, streams, car China et

parking natural qualities like fludity, change, moodiness, growth and
decay spirituality, secrecy. secret knowledge, hidden things, emotional intense passion etc

5.Simha dignity, laziness. commanding nature.

Mountains, hill&hills,taly. Bomaby hillocks, forts, forests, France. Vindhyachala

places of amusements. Romania, places of authority, USA

playgrounds etc natural according to qualities like majesty, KN Rao authority, super ordination playfulness etc

6. Kange Gardens, wet and dry lands, Turkey, All of India Switzerland, ace to
com Selds, store rooms libraries, hospitals, brothels West Indies, BV Raman etc. natural qualities like Greece, southern division ace to Varahamhira-

nurturing, caring. Brazil etc. concerving, compassion,

finesse, passions, love, lust, passivity submission, mesk



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