12 house
12 house
The most important goal of the 12th house is the final liberation, humility, renunciation of the ego.
The energy of planets entering the 12th house is suppressed and can be wasted;
its ruler bears losses and losses in his spheres of influence.
Of course, such a fatality will be subject to many defeats.
What should be studied in the 12th house?
1. Loss, suffering, despondency - Saturn karaka.
2. Imprisonment - karaki Mars, Ketu.
3. Bed pleasures, pleasures - Venus karaka.
4. Liberation - karaka Ketu.
5. Charity and spiritual knowledge - Karaka Jupiter.
6. Moving and traveling abroad - karaka Rahu.
7. Sleep is the karaka of the Moon.
Assessing the impact on the house, ruler and karaka, one can draw conclusions about how things are in a particular area.
A strong, unaffected 12th house and its ruler endows a person with generosity, but if the situation is the opposite, then the person will be stingy.
The 12th house in movable signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) gives the potential for frequent travel.
In the charts of people who have moved far from their birthplace, the 4th house and its lord are often affected, while the 12th house and its lord are strong.
The position of the planets in the 12th house indicates the following:
the Sun gives a craving for spiritual knowledge and self-doubt.
The moon gives a desire to sleep a lot, laziness, a tendency to despondency and depression.
Mars under malefic influences, gives a tendency to illegal activities, secret income, anger.
Mercury can give problems with education, speech.
Jupiter endows with a penchant for charity, an interest in spiritual knowledge.
And if he is weak, then immorality, difficulties with finances and children.
Venus gives an excessive craving for pleasure, luxury and sex.
With a favorable disposition, a tendency to charity and pious deeds.
Saturn - asceticism, suffering, loss, loneliness.
Rahu - a tendency to travel often, an interest in secret knowledge.
Trouble sleeping and excessive cravings for impious pleasures.
Ketu in its highest manifestation will give spirituality, the desire for liberation.
At a low level, it can be an escape from reality through intoxication.
In those areas that are affected by the ruler of the 12th house, losses and difficulties can be predicted.
Admit it, who has the Moon in the 12th house or in the sign of Pisces, do you like to sleep?
How are things in the 12th house, and what is the influence of its lord?
Fortunately, in order for there to be difficulties, one defeat is not enough!
It is necessary to assess the situation as a whole.
Every horoscope is different
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