Manglik Dosha - Kuja Dosha
Manglik Dosha - Kuja Dosha
Mars, considered the most malefic planet as far as Man gal Dosh is considered, has been regarded by astrologers since the times immemorial as the worst culprit.
Largely, Mars is at its cruelest when it occupies Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 7th or 12th house. Some scholars also add the 8th house in the list.
The prediction in Bhave Deepika of Kerala says :-
लगने व्यये च पाताले जामित्रो चाष्टमे कुजे
स्त्रीणां भर्तृविनाशः स्यात पुंसां भार्या विनश्यति ||
' But scholars regard this statement, that the spouse of a Mangali native dies, with a pinch of salt. Large scale experience also proves that this is not properly interpreted.
Another Sloka states :-
कुजमात्र दृष्टे गृहदाहकोSग्निदो वा || (Jemini Aphorism, 1.2.26)
lf Ravi and Rahu are with Atmakarak in the Navamsa chart and they are also aspected by Mars, one burns his own house or helps others to burn theirs.
Kalidasa explains in "Uttara Kalamrita11 that Kuja Dosh should be considered from Lagna, Moon or Venus depending on which is the strongest.
Manteshwar also holds the same view in "Phaldeepika
लगने व्यये च पाताले जामित्रो चाष्टमे कुजे
स्त्रीणां भर्तृविनाशः स्यात भर्तृणां दारनाशकम् ||
Mantreshwar has said
भार्या नाशस्त्वशुभ सहितौ वीक्षितौ वार्थ कामौ,
तत्र प्राहुस्त्वशुभ फलदां क्रूर दृष्टिं विषेशात् |
एवं पत्न्या अपि सति मदे चाष्टमे वास्ति दोषः
सौम्येर्दृष्टे सति शुभयुते दंपतौ भाग्यवन्तौ || (फ. दी. – १० /७ )
If the 2nd and 7th house has Malefics or is aspected by Malefics, it results in the destruction of the wife. A cruel aspect is specially inauspicious. Similarly in the bride’s horoscope, if there are Malefics in the 7th , 8thor in both or Malefics aspect these houses , then it will be unfortunate for the husband, but if both of these houses have benefics or aspected by benefics , then both husband and wife will be fortunate.
Mantreshwar says that Ketu should also be regarded as Mars.
Narad Samhita mention that Kuja Dosh should be considered for the sign of Mars as reckoned from Venus.
Jatak Parijat, Agastaya Samhita find Kuja Dosh present in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses.
धनावसान स्मरयान रन्ध्रगो धरासुतो जन्मनि यस्य दारहा |
तथैव कन्याजन जन्म लग्नतो यदि क्षमासूनुरनिष्टदः पतेः || ( जातक पारिजात – १४ /३४)
That is, in the horoscope of the groom, if Mars is situated in 2nd, 12th, 7th, 4th or 8th houses from Lagna, indicates destruction of his wife. Similarly, in the bride’s horoscope, if Mars is in these houses, indicates destruction of her husband. This combination is known as Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha.
Jataka Parijata has the following to say about Kuja Dosha getting annulled, when a Manglik bride and a Manglik groom get married:
द्यून कुटुम्ब गतौ यदि पापौ दार वियोगज दुःख करौ तौ
तादृश योगज दार युतेश्चेज्जीवति पुत्र धनादि युतश्च || (जातक पारिजात – १४ /३६)
Meaning, if the Papa Grahas (Malefics) are in the 2nd or 7th house in the Groom’s horoscope, the individual will suffer grief due to the death of his wife. But if he gets married to a bride who has a similar yoga in her horoscope, he will be prosperous and will be bestowed with wealth, children etc., and live with his wife.
Parashar in the chapter on female horoscopes, states:
लग्ने व्यये सुखे वापि सप्तमे चाष्टमे कुजे
शुभ द्रुग् योग हीने च पतिं हन्ति न संशयः || (बृ.पा. – ८१ / ४७)
This means, in the horoscope of the bride, if Mars is in Lagna, 12th, 4th, 7th or 8th house and is not aspected or conjoined by natural benefics , it will destroy her husband. The ill effects vanish if conjoined or aspected by the combination of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury (with benefics) and Waxing Moon.
This concept has been forgotten nowadays and instead the following is popular and referred:
लग्ने व्यये च पाताले जामित्रे चाऽष्टमे कुजे
कन्या भर्तृ विनाशाय वरः कन्या विनाशकृत || ( केरल शास्त्र )
In the horoscope of the bride, if Mars is situated in 1st, 12th, 4th, 7th or 8th house, she will destroy her husband and if this is the case in the groom’s horoscope, he will destroy the wife.
Sarvartha Chintamani also suggests Kuja Dosh in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses, whereas Narada Samhita takes Lagna also in consideration.
A few classics like "Vachaspatyam11 suggest that Kuja Dosh should only be considered if Mars
joins 8th house and nowhere also. It Mars is debilitated, combust or joins inimical sign in 8th house there is no Kuja Dosh.
For the consideration of Kuja Dosh these planets are to examined and reckoned from -
(i) Lagna; (ii) Moon; (iii) Venus, the significator
Rules for Cacellation of Manglik Dosha
The following are some of the conditions mentioned in various classical texts, which, if met in the Boy's Chart or the Girl's Chart, tend to mitigate an existing Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha. kindly use your experience, judgement and discretion in determining which of these natural mitigations you want to apply to the charts and take a judgement based on the same.
Rule 1:
"Chatush Saptamako Bhowmo, Mesha Karkaati Naagraha |
Yatha Rasam Shubhah Proktaaha, Mangal (Mars / kuja)at Dosha Na Vidyate ||"
If Mangal (Mars / kuja) occupies either Mesha or Vrischika rasis (which Mars owns), or, it's sign of exaltation (Makara), or it sign of debilitation (Kataka), and if such a sign happens to be either the 4th, or the 7th counted from Lagna, Moon or venus, then the evil results of Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha will be mitigated.
Rule 2:
"Chara Raasi Gatow Bhowma, Chatur Ashta Vyaye Dwaye |
Lagna Paapa Vinaashasyaat, Chashe Paapo Visheshathaha ||"
If Mangal (Mars / kuja) occupies any of the Chara Rasis (Mesha, Kataka, Tula and Makara), and if such a sign happens to be the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th from the Lagna, Moon or Venus, then the evil results of Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha will be mitigated.
Rule 3:
"Sthaana Panchako Doshaaha, Mangal (Mars / kuja)sya Gurunaathava |
Budhena Saha Samsthitya, Drishtevaa Naiva Sambhavet ||"
Mangal (Mars / kuja) if causing a dosha in the 5 evil places (1, 2, 4, 8, 12) from Lagna, Moon or Venus and is either aspected by or conjoined with Jupiter (Guru) or Mercury (Budha), then the evil results of Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha stand mitigated.
Rule 4:
"Ravi Indu Kshetra Jaataanaam, Mangal (Mars / kuja) Dosha Na Vidyate |
Swecha Mitraala Jaataanaam, Taat Dosham Na Bhaavet Kila ||"
People who are born with lagna in the signs owned by Sun or Moon do not have Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha.
Rule 5: Mars in 2nd:
If Mangal (Mars / kuja) occupies Mesha, Vrischika, Mithuna or Kanya rasis (signs owned by Mangal (Mars / kuja) himself and Budha), and such signs happen to be the 2nd sign from Lagna, Moon or Venus, then there is no evil effect from Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha.
Rule 6: Mars in 4:
If Mangal (Mars / kuja) occupies signs owned by Venus (Tula or Vrishabha), or it's own signs (Mesha or Vrischika), and it happens to be in the 4th sign counted from Lagna, Moon or Venus, then there is no evil effect from Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha.
Rule 7: Mars in 7:
Even if Mangal (Mars / kuja) is in the 7th counted from Lagna, Moon or Venus, if the sign occupied is mesha, Kataka, Vrischika or Makara, there is no evil effect from Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha.
Rule 8: Mars in 8:
If Mangal (Mars / kuja) is in the 8th sign counted from Lagna, Moon or Venus, and if such a sign is Dhanus or Meena (signs owned by Jupiter), or Kataka (debilatation sign for Mars), or Makara (exaltation sign for Mars), then there is no evil effect from Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha.
Rule 9: Mars in 12:
If Mangal (Mars / kuja) occupies the 12th sign counted from Lagna, Moon or Venus and if the sign is owned by Mercury or Venus, then there is no evil effect from Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha.
Rule 10:
If Mangal (Mars / kuja) occupies the 12th sign in both the boys' chart and the girls' chart, the evil result of one will cancel that of the other and the charts can be matched for marriage.
Rule 11:
Some Sages opine that if Saturn, Rahu or Ketu conjoin or aspect Mangal (Mars / kuja), then the evil effects of Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha are cancelled.
Rule 12:
If Jupiter and Mangal (Mars / kuja) are in conjunction, then the evil results of Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha are cancelled. So also, Moon and Mangal (Mars / kuja) in conjunction assure that no evil is produced due to Mangalik (Mars / kuja) Dosha.
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