astrology in real life

How to use astrology in real life?
If you have health issue, Excercise more (1st House)
If you have no money, work, save, invest (2nd House)
If you have no connections, build them (3rd House)
If you have no happiness at home, De-Clutter, de-clutter, de clutter, do small favours for housemates, expect nothing in return.(4th house)
If you have no talent, Learn more, learn new skills , practice more (5th House )
If you have no clarity, write more (6th House)
If you have relationship issues -adjust your expectations, become friend, make a habit of talking frequently (7th house)
If you have anxiety, Stress, tension in life , study any Occult science ( 8th house)
If you have no wisdom,Travel more, meet different people (9th House)
If you have issue at work place, Set goals and priorities and stick to them (10th house)
If you have no friend, be a better person (11th House)
If you have no new/fresh energy. Take proper rest (12th House)


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