Astrological predictions Krodhi year

Astrological predictions on natural calamities in April,24 and May 24 : 1) Wish you all a happy and joyful Ugadi today 9.4.2024 Tuesday , the Krodhi naama samvatsaram. As we are all aware that the mars-saturn yuti is going on in Aquarius. In this yuti Mars crosses Saturn on 11.4.2024. recently on 3.4.2024 we have noticed a major earthquake in Taiwan M 7.4 followed by a series of earthquakes in Japan, Himachal Pradesh, USA Afghanistsn, New Jersey etc and this may continue until 10.4.2024 . From 11.4.2024 air accidents possible may be military planes till 22.4.2024 . 2) On 13.4.2024 Sun is transitting into Aries and stays there upto 14.5.2024. Sun being a fiery planet and Aries being a fiery sign , no rains are expected and only heat waves prevail and this will continue from 13.4.2024 to 22.4.2024 . From 23.4.2024 unlike summer theremay be a change in the weather and the climatemay become cool suddenly followed by a cyclone. This cool climate or cyclone weather may continue upto 8.5.2024. In this same period political crises are expected , law and order may be disturbed. The chillies market and shares market may slow down and oils may become strong. Earthquakes are also possible in this period . Due to the aspects of Saturn and Jupiter the places relating to signs Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Libra and Sagattarius will be effected . 3) On 26.4.2024 Venus going for its combustion status till 1.7.2024 and Jupiter is also going to its combustion status on 5.5.2024 to 2.6.2024. On 1.5.2024 Jupiter is transitting into Taurus and hence Pushkaram starts for Narmada river. In this scenario there may be change in the climate which follows by a strong heat waves in the jupiter 's combustion period ie from 5.5.2024 to 2.6.2024 wherein old people' and children are advised to be stayed in indoors only to safeguard their health. But luckily to our expectations the weather may take its sudden change and the climate may become cool from 23.5.2024 followed by cyclone rains and this will continue upto 6.6.2024. In this same period ie from 23.5.2024 to 6.6.2024 earthquakes are also expected, may be Tsunami in the places relating to signs Aquarius, Aries, Scorpio, Leo, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. A strong earthquake or alert giving Earthquake is possible in the month of May, 24. In this we should make a note that Capricorn is exclusively relates to India and Virgo exclusively relates to South India particularly A.P. ( old A P.). So the impact of the above situation may fall in India as well as in A.P. This is important. chillies market and shares may run strong from 13.4.2024 to 23.4.2024 and from 9.5.2024 to 22.5.2024. Gold market may become strong in the month of May, 24. Oil market may run strong both in the months of April 24 and May,24. Due to the effect of above mentioned planetary positions early monsoon may start this year.


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