malefic planet

*How does Vedic astrology determine if a malefic planet will have a positive or negative impact on someone based on their natal chart?* 

In Vedic astrology, malefic planets are typically seen as bringing negative effects, such as challenges, difficulties, and obstacles, to a person’s life. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, these planets can become "yoga karakas," forming powerful combinations in a horoscope that lead to significant success and positive outcomes. Therefore, planets generally considered harmful can have beneficial influences under the right conditions. It is essential for an astrologer to carefully evaluate the planet and its placement before determining the nature of its outcome.

What are the primary Malefic Planets in Vedic Astrology

In Vedic astrology, the natural malefic planets are those that are inherently considered to bring challenges, obstacles, and difficulties. The primary natural malefic planets are:

Saturn - Generally brings delays and obstacles, creates hardships

Mars - Associated with aggression, creating conflicts and impulsive actions, prone to accidents

Rahu - Sudden unexpected changes creates confusion, illusion, materialism

Ketu - Associated with detachment, losses and spiritual challenges
Sun - creates ego issues, authority problems and health troubles

Waning Moon - creates mood swings, emotional disturbances
When malefic planets should be considered beneficial?

There are certain scenarios where malefic planets are considered beneficial and will yield good results. Here are some scenarios

 *1. When natural Malefic becomes functional benefic:* 

When malefic planets become the rulers of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, or 10th houses, they turn functionally benefic and produce positive results.

For example, in a Taurus ascendant horoscope, Saturn rules the 9th and 10th houses, and in a Libra ascendant, Saturn rules the 4th and 5th houses. In both cases, the typically malefic planet Saturn becomes a powerful yoga karaka and brings great positive results to the person if it is well-placed.

The same applies to Mars. For a Cancer ascendant, Mars rules the 5th and 10th houses, and for a Leo ascendant, Mars rules the 4th and 9th houses. In both cases, Mars, ruling both kendra and trine houses, brings positive results to the person if it is well-placed.

 *2. When Malefic placed in Upachaya Houses:* 

Generally, malefic planets perform well in the upachaya houses, which are the 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses. These houses are associated with growth and improvement, and if any malefic planet is placed in these houses, it is likely to yield positive results over time.

 *3. When Malefic planet are exalted:* 

When malefic Planets Mars, Saturn are exalted in a horoscope, it will reduce the negative effects of the planet and gives actually yield positive results for the native

 *4.Benefic influence of a Malefic planet:* 

When malefic planets are influenced by the divine planet Jupiter, their negative effects will be considerably reduced, and the native will experience only less harm.

 *5.When malefic planets creates yoga/Raja yoga:* 

When malefic planets are involved in creating certain yogas, they can yield benefic results. Ruchaka Yoga and Sasa Yoga(pancha maha purusha yoga) are typical examples of this.

Sasa Yoga occurs when Saturn is in its own sign (Capricorn or Aquarius) or exalted (Libra) and is in a Kendra from the ascendant. This yoga grants power, leadership abilities, and discipline.

Ruchaka Yoga occurs when Mars is in its own sign (Aries or Scorpio) or exalted (Capricorn) and placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house from the ascendant or Moon. This yoga gives great leadership skills, courage , and strong athletic skills.

When malefic planets give negative effects?

Malefic planets can give deadly or highly negative results under following conditions:

When several malefic planets affect a planet or a bhava, then it can cause severe negative results pertaining to that bhava.

When a malefic planet is weak, debilitated, or in a bad house (6th, 8th, or 12th), then its negative effects will increase. It can be experienced during those dasha periods and sub periods.

    When malefic planets are conjoined or aspect each other, then its negative effects will rise pertaining to that bhava.

    During the periods and transits of malefic planets like Saturn especially, their adverse effects can be more pronounced.

       When malefic planets affect the ascendant or ascendant lord, it can lead to severe challenges on the overall life of the native.

          Malefic planets in or influencing the 2nd and 7th houses can cause serious health issues or life-threatening situations during maraka dasha period.
These conditions can lead to significant problems in health, relationships, career, and overall well-being.

     An astrologer must analyse all aspects of a chart carefully to make accurate judgments. We shouldn't predict negative results just because a malefic planet is present. Instead, thorough analysis is essential to understand the full impact.


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