Astrology and material well-being:

Astrology and material well-being: Artha is one of the Goals of Vedic Astrology.


- material acquisitions, material condition, wealth.


Prosperity, and material and social success an important areas of human life.

Spiritual life is good.

But when there is nothing to eat, will a person have a desire to strive for God?

It is necessary that the basic needs of a person be satisfied.

Basic Needs: Food, sleep, sex, protection.

Vedic Knowledge studies this topic very deeply.

There are 8 types of Lakshmi.

Ashta Lakshmi.

Lakshmi (Wealth, Goddess of Prosperity) - there are 8 types of prosperity, and each of them is important in our lives.

The Vedas reveal how to make oneself prosperous and help others.

Vedic astrology allows you to find out what types of Lakshmi we received from a past life (deserved), which ones we didn’t get, and how to develop them.

We can also determine whether we deserve prosperity in this life.

The energy of prosperity, do we deserve it?

The prosperity of the family depends on, among other things, relationships and harmony in the family.

It is believed that if there is no Love, or harmony in the family, there is a mess and dirt, quarrels, and rudeness, then the Goddess of Prosperity leaves there.

How to correct the situation, how is it possible, and how to become successful?

How to apply the technique of mantras, yantras to attract wealth?

All this is explained in the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Bhagavad Gita, the Sastras, and the scriptures of the Vedas.

Astrology can correct the time that we live and will live, but not people.

If, for example, there is a pain in the back and the time is astrologically adequate, a hostile person can hit the back, and the pain in the back will go away from the blow since it was a suitable and favorable time.
The time is favorable for the situation and turns bad into good.

If the time is not right, then the time makes everyone act against us,

a friend can harm, a husband (wife), and a child can become an enemy.


is it worth blaming someone, Should we blame a person who acts hostilely against us?

Here the reason is in time - If everything is good, then a good time, if there are difficulties, the time is not favorable.

All problems are due to time.

Time is like a tool of karma.

Therefore, we need to use knowledge about what time affects us.

Everything in the material world is based on a cause.
In today's world, we make acquaintances - to get something, or to use for our benefit.

As Radhanatha Swami says: We should use things and love people, but nowadays everyone loves things, and people are used ...

Who wants to be friends with us?

What if he knows what knowledge is?



However, this is all an illusion, to getting acquainted because this person can give you something, you can get something if the time is right for you at the moment.

If the time is unfavorable, no one can help us, even relatives.

Accusations and claims begin, blaming everyone who is around and who did not help, And only time can help us, Only time can make someone help us.

If someone offends you or says bad things, then we must fix something, because.

this is a message for us.

We can watch the signs.

And we move with time and do not depend on people, Do we analyze the favorable time in a given period or not?

It is necessary to develop such an attitude - not to depend on the outside world, and to understand that everything depends on time.

Time can show whether to take in a given period or to give.

If a person talks about the negative, you do not condemn or blame, but talk about an unfavorable time, you understand what period the person is in.

Develop an attitude towards reading time.

Atro-psychologists calculate time and its influence.

We must be able to change time, understand good or bad times, and how to change it.

Sex, and food matter, but not strongly.

We are connected not with life but with indicators.

We came into this world at a certain time and we will also leave the world at a certain time.

And until the period ends, we must charge ourselves with the necessary energy.

Sex, food - the process of interchange of energy.

Sex and food are a pleasure for people, for an astrologer, it is positive energy.

The main rule is that we should not accept negative energy, not take food that gives negative energy, and relationships that make us angry - they are not needed if anger is creative - we accept it, at a certain time, in a certain place, and under certain circumstances, anger can bring good.

Whatever we do in life, no matter what, is not to nourish, but to improve time.

Two wars - one gives, the other takes.

Business is like a war - someone will take more .. someone will lose

Money is your control.

There are no human values left, there is no Love left, Love is giving, Now values are to take as much as possible, no one thinks about what he can give, thinks about what he can take .. makes his plan, how he can take more, this is a modern business

You need to live in the mood of bestowal, not just to someone, we give, and invest energy at the right time.

If our investments in time are correct, then we will receive 20-30 times more in return.

you need to understand the Concept and the correctness of investment in time.

How should you spend your energy, not on helping someone, but on time?

If you want to get something, nature will provide you, but how will she give it?

Don't become a consumer, invest energy at the right time.

If I help you, you help me.

My astrological time is when people come to me and help me.

If you invest, it will return to other energies.

All invested energy does not disappear and is not destroyed.

There are 2 types of money

The first kind - If you take - it is not prosperity, it is not Lakshmi.

Such Money, when an unfavorable time comes, will lead to negative consequences.

Now a person is rich, has a houses, everything is beautiful, bedrooms, and a lot of money, but all other aspects of life can be spoiled.

Another category is wealth obtained from bestowal in the mood to do good, such wealth brings happiness in the family and everything.

The first money comes like a curse, it's not Lakshmi, it's poison.

Such money brings a beautiful wrapper but destroys calmness and peace in the mind.

Prosperity at this time is not money earned by any means.

Astrologers are asked the question: "How can I become rich?".

Therefore, the astrologer must be prosperous and help others to do so.

Prosperity is money that comes from the right source.

Money from games, money from the war that takes away, money from drugs, alcohol, chemicals - what destroys is money that destroys

Life is an exchange - giving - we receive.

And it is important to understand with whom and with what we exchange.

Now there is no element of return, Who goes to work to give? - We go to get paid.

If we go to give, then we get energy in bestowal!

Giving, we get energy, not giving, we don’t get it, but somewhere the debt grows, which will have to be repaid in the future anyway ...

If we go only to receive, then we don’t feel happiness, and for some reason, we want to change jobs, although they pay well ...

And if we change our approach to work and go in the mood to give, then everything starts to change.

You don't have to change jobs.

Why do you want to change jobs? - so that the salary would be higher.

Get more money, work less.

The whole concept of modern existence.

Everyone wants to take as much as possible - this is the state of the Sudra Mind.

The desire to take away and at the same time give nothing away.

The desire to give and receive, that the self-concept Brahminical will come.

Now the mood of bestowal is less and less.

Kshatriya means control.

Gives power to control.

And he is happy when he receives a well-deserved result in return.

If at an unfavorable time, we change companies, there will be no sense.

We need to change the time.

And you can become very successful, there are 2 concepts of

Acharya-pracarya, follow what you say, what you preach.

Before you teach something, you need to follow it.

If this is not the case, then there is no point in being an astrologer.

To transfer knowledge and experience, you need to have Energy.
Energy is the result of asceticism.

Therefore, the work is to work first of all on yourself and show by your example.


If We want to improve our material condition (artha), then we must get acquainted with the existing types of Lakshmi.

Types of Lakshmi:

Ashta Lakshmi


means eight in Sanskrit.

1. Adi-Lakshmi

- The most powerful Lakshmi, who is next to Narayana, Answers 1,7,9 houses in the natal chart.

2. Dhana-Lakshmi

- Money, Gold in the form of money.

2, 11 houses - Interchange of energies.


- bestowal - what can I give?

We can give Money, talent, Knowledge…

3. Dhanya Lakshmi
is food, the consciousness with which we eat is important here.

The 3rd house answers (if weak, a person cannot share food).

In the form of food, return, and hospitality.

Strength is in giving food to the Brahmins, and Shudras. When we give to the Brahmans, this type of Lakshmi increases.

4. Veera

- courage.

3rd house, 6th house correspond to

5. Vijaya

- victory of the 10th, 8th house.

6. Gaja

- Aishwarya, luxury (elephant).

11th house

of Sat in 11th gaja yoga

., 4th om also.

7. Vidya

Knowledge 2nd house corresponds to

8. Santana

- the presence of children in the 5th, and 11th houses.

Money is our control.

No human values left, no Love left.

Love is giving.

Now in the material world - values are taking as much as possible, and at the same time giving as little as possible, no one thinks about what they can give, they think about what they can take .. Make their plans, how they can get and take more, such is Modern Business.

In Astrology, Venus is the planet responsible for luxury, pleasure, jewels, and beauty.

In any home, she gives opportunities: and endows them with wealth and beauty.

But the position in the 11th house for Venus is not unambiguous: on the one hand, it gives ambitions, desires, and pleasures, on the other hand, it destroys.

There is a story about the demon Ravana, who, having gained all mystical powers, at some point decided to master all the riches of the world, for which he ordered all the planets to move to the 11th house of his horoscope ... Saturn was very opposed to this, and Venus "calmed" him ... It is enough for me alone there, and a "lid" will come to him...


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