Tara or Nakshatra

Tara or Nakshatra Chakra is based on Janma, Sampat, Vipat, Kshema, Pratyari, Sadhaka, Naidhana, Mitra, Ati-Mitra, a count from Janma Nakshatra as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9.

Navamsa is a division of each of Nakshatra’s 4 parts called pada of 3 degrees and 20 minutes.

Vimshottari Dasha system is based on the birth nakshatra remaining Dasha period and consequent nakshatra lord periods.

Sage SathyAchariya talks about the details of Nav-Tara Chakra. But does not connect it with Navamsa or Vimshottari.

Later modern authors had connected Tara and Vimshotari together for ascertaining the good or bad effects of different Dashas based on nav-tara. It is possible, but this in itself per se Does NOT help in predicting an event. The reasons are many, namely,

The nakshatra is NOT the house lord or the Graha itself, directly.
The Tara sequence is numerical, but not the time in Vimshottari.
Based on only Chandra, is not fully qualified, as Chandra is itself is a Graha.
So Tara Chakra can give an indication, but cannot decide or delineate the time for the event.

As such Tara Chakra is effective in transit, horary, and mundane predictions.

Navamsa is more connected to Rashi or Lagna chart to delineate the karma of each house or Graha.

Nakshatra is the key to the timing of events.

The key secret is how one connects a Graha, Nakshatra Lord, and House lord with Vimshottari Dasha Lord, for prediction of events.


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