Sun-Saturn combo
ASTROLOGY NOTES on Sun-Saturn combo in Aquarius from 12-2-2025 9.56 pm to 13-3-2025 6.50 pm: 1) for Saturn Aquarius is own sign as well as Mool Trikona and for Sun it is enemy sign . Aquarius is s an airy sign. As per astrology sun and Saturn are enemies. This Sun-Saturn yuti is considered as an important yuti in astrology. 2) Due to this Sun-Saturn yuti tensions will follow in all aspects round the world relating to desa Gochara as well as individual charts. In this yuti we can say it is a tough period to Rulers and Governments. Due to this yuti resignations by some of the MLAs, MPs, even Ministers possible. Change of Governments also possible. It is a global effect. It is noticed the change of Government in Delhi in the recent elections held and results announced on 8-2-2025 ( winning of BJP government seen) just a few days before this Sun-Saturn yuti. 3) From 12-2-2025 to 14-3-2025 there are possibilities for Earthquakes ( as the aspects of Jupiter and Saturn are concentrated on Scorpio Earthquakes possible). Places relating to Aquarius, Aries, Leo and Scorpio likely to be effected. 4) Untoward incidents possible in many places of the world and curfew like situations may occur. 5) There are possibilities for change of climate. The climate may suddenly change into cool climate followed by rains or low pressure rains or cyclones . 6) Due to this Sun -Saturn yuti as far as individual charts considered conflicts between father and son may occur in each and every family. This yuti may be beneficial to Sagattarius moon sign people ( as this yuti is occurring in 3 rd house) and to Virgo moon sign people ( as this yuti is occurring in 6 th house) and to Aries moon sign people ( as this yuti is occurring in 11 th house) with results like happiness, joy, progress in life, money gains , success of will power etc. 7) As this yuti is occurring in 8 th house for Cancer moon sign people and in 12 th house for Pisces moon sign people this may give results like health issues, accidents, unnecessary expenditure etc. Hence it is advised to follow remedies to Sun and Saturn for better results. 8) On overall observation this Sun-Saturn yuti in Aquarius from 12-2-2025 to 14-3-2025 may be considered as a tensions giving planetary position in all aspects, and we can say it is an alarming period . Anyhow from 15-3-2025 onwards peace will prevail. All the best.
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