Understanding Planetary Influences in Birth Chart A. Deciding Basic Planetary Nature from AscendantRULE 1:The Lagna lord and lords of the 5th and 9th houses (Kona or trinal houses) are always beneficialRULE 2Malefic planets (Koora Grahas) become beneficial when they rule the 4th, 7th, or 10th houses ( Kendra or quadrant houses).These include Saturn, Mars, Sun, Mercury (when with another malefic), and Moon when weak (within ±72° of Sun)In these cases, the 10th lord becomes most beneficial, followed by 7th lord, then 4th lord.RULE 3Benefic planets (Saumya Grahas) become challenging when ruling the 4th, 7th, or 10th houses.These include Jupiter, Venus, Mercury (when with another benefic), and Moon when strong (beyond ±72° from Sun).The 10th lord becomes most challenging, followed by 7th lord, then 4th lordSpecial note for Mercury and Jupiter ascendants: Since the ascendant lord also rules another angular house, aspects and conjunctions become crucial in assessment.RULE 4Lords of the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses are challenging: - 3rd lord is least challenging - 11th lord is THE most challengingRULE 5The 8th lord is particularly challenging, except when it is the Sun, Moon, or ascendant lordThe malefic influence of the 8L decreases when it also owns a trine and is well-placedRULE 6The 2nd and 12th lords give results based on: - Their associations with other planets - Nature of other houses they own - Their placement


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